It seems that each year after highschool has flown by faster and faster. Somehow leaving school changes the way you view your entire year. As a student, you live for Christmas break, spring break, summer vacation, and the little inservice days throughout the year. As you enter the working world (and no longer get 6 weeks off during the summer), the year seems to go by faster because there isn't much break from the day to day.
It doesn't seem odd that this would dawn on my in the fall - a time full of big events in our lives as a couple and family. September 15 is Ian's birthday. 14 days later, Sept 29, is Ian's birthday, and a mere 2 days later, October 1, is our anniversary. It is quite a sentimental time of year for us. So, I thought what better time to do a month of reflection. Each day I will do a post reflecting on a different topic. I found this through a friend. The original was much more geared towards teens, so I changed the topics some. :)
Day 1: My Spouse
Day 2: My Child(ren)
Day 3: My Parents
Day 4: My Sibling(s)
Day 5: My Best Friend
Day 6: My Best Childhood Memory
Day 7: My Best Teenage Memory
Day 8: My Best College Memory
Day 9: My 21st Birthday
Day 10: Our First Date
Day 11: Our Engagement
Day 12: Our Wedding Day
Day 13: Our Honeymoon
Day 14: Biggest Accomplishment (Besides Kids)
Day 15: Favorite Vacation
Day 16: My Faith
Day 17: My Friends
Day 18: My Past (2 big events that shaped me)
Day 19: My Present (where I am today)
Day 20: My Future (where I want to be)
Day 21: Favorite Song (Top 2)
Day 22: Favorite Movie (Top 2)
Day 23: Favorite Book (Top 2)
Day 24: Favorite Time of Year
Day 25: Favorite Holiday Tradition
Day 26: Biggest Regret
Day 27: Someone that changed your life (and may not even know it)
Day 28: Favorite Saying
Day 29: 10 Photos that Sum up your life before this year
Day 30: 10 Photos that Sum up your life for the last 12 months.
So, there you have it. Since tomorrow starts a new month, I am going to start this little project then. How appropriate that I get to talk about my spouse on our 5th wedding anniversary. :)